Tuesday, July 3, 2012

#The One With The Serial Killers

'Serial Killer' is the title that I have conferred upon my elder sister, as I believe that it best brings out her love for soap-operas and sitcoms, which transcends her love for almost anything else when it comes to whiling away time. Yes, my sister is a Serial Killer. She loves watching daily soaps and all kinds of TV serials over anything else, despite her being a research scholar at one of the top-most technological institutions in the country. And quite contrary to my earlier beliefs, where I have to say I was heavily disillusioned, I have eventually come to learn that TV soaps are not something that can be generalized  to being watched by just bored homemakers, people who deeply enjoy hyper-drama or those who are less intellectually inclined.I know I sound like a massive snob here, and maybe I actually was one, but I assure you, I have come a long way since then. In fact, I now think that a person's intelligence, IQ, profession, age, gender  and interests have got nothing to do with them being daily soap lovers, or to say the least, watchers.


My 3 year old neighbour watches them and so do my very old grandparents. I keep hearing about various soaps from my friends at College and I swear one Sunday I heard my very macho neighbour humming the theme tune of  "Baalika Vadhu" as he washed his bike away !I also once read an interview in a science journal, where the interviewee was a very senior female employee at ISRO, and she proudly confessed that she too, at the end of the day, wanted her share of Saas-Bahus

I honestly still don't understand what makes then click, but one thing is for certain, soap operas are here to stay, love them, hate them or mock them.
Now this blog post is not an essay on "How Daily Soaps Have Become A Part ad Parcel of Our Lives" and this is where we come to the fun-part. Observing my sister, parents and close friends, I have come to derive a set of conditions, which, if regularly complied with by a person, can easily be used to classify him as a Serial Killer.

So readers, if you conform to three or more of the following conditions, then Beware! You have been doing some Serial Killing lately. :P

1. Can juggle between watching 2-3  shows running in the same time slot, without missing on any of their plots.

2. Stream and watch the missed out episodes of your favourite shows online.

3. Watch relay broadcasts on weekends, despite having watched all the runs in the week

4. Know (almost) all the characters of your shows by their real life names.

5.  Consider Maha-episodes and One-hour specials a treat!

6. Are thrilled by the prospect of guest appearances and cameos of other TV stars and actors on your shows.

7.Wittingly/unwittingly quote the signature dialogues of characters on TV shows in real life.

8. The show's theme song makes up your ringtone, or at least a small part of your music collection.

9. Come to know about world news, upcoming festivals and latest movie songs through a daily soap you watched.

10.Model your style statement on one of the show's main characters.

11. Think of watching daily soaps as a way of interacting with different cultures.

Author's Note: A lot has gone into softening my attitude towards daily soaps and serials, and I have my sister  and college friends to thank for it. I look at it as a reflection of what I may like to call my increased understanding of the fact that "People do not always have the same likes and dislikes as you do, nor do they always behave the way you expect them to.....but in no ways does that make them any less lovable." :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

#The One With The Small Little Things

Well guys, as today I hit the 20th milestone on this forever perplexing journey called life, I thought I would mark it with a blog post, about something that brings out the essence of what I have become as a result of all my travels, trying my best to learn whatever I could, as I have trudged along.  I couldn't think of any one thing in particular, so I decided to share with you a list of things doing/seeing/listening/thinking of which gives me immense joy. 
Things might come and things might go, but these are some things that have remained quite constant over the years.However unreasonable(and insane) they might seem, they are signature me!

   Hence, presenting, in no particular order, "The Small Little Things":

 *Running up to an elevator and pressing the up/down button before the people accompanying me, or those standing even remotely close to the elevator doors can!

* Stopping right in my tracks whenever I spot a gulmohar tree with its leaves within my reach, plucking the leaves, stripping the small leaflets off them...and blowing them away with a puff of air :P

* (Lightly) Pulling the hair of cute little girl and (softly) poking a cute little boy whenever I happen to be close enough to either/both of them to execute my intentions.I just have to do it.(No kind of injury was caused to any child for writing the above.I am pretty child friendly, I assure you).

* Not being able to eat a chocolate in my possession all by myself, however hard I may try !
(chocolates, I believe, are strictly meant to be shared)

* Almost literally licking the Maggi masala  off my plate, until the very last remains are gone!

* Drawing a smiley besides my name, whenever I write it on the front page of a book(or anywhere in  fact)!

* Writing and underlining the 'Hence,proved' after solving even the silliest question from the most stupid subject that might have ever been created!

* Doodling about in the flour scattered on the kitchen slab, as my mother makes chapatis and I try my best to be a nuisance. I call it "Aatta Art" :P

* SUFI MUSIC.Period.

*Quizzing.....will always remain a favourite, however good or bad I might be at it at any particular time!

* The coffee, the free time and the Harry Potter book(or any good book for that matter)!

* Travelling alone in an empty-ish metro compartment, listening to FM radio and mild sunlight pouring in!

* Singing a groovy song with friends, complementing it with beats produced on any nearby surface! Jamming wihtout instruments basically.. :)

* Creating something entirely new on a whim! 

I am sure I am missing out on a real lot of things here, but insanity too has its limits!! :P

Author's Note: I began writing this post on my 20th birthday, which happened to be around 4 months ago, but couldn't eventually publish it since I am such a lazy bum, too lazy to even exucute minor edits.But I'll let the thing out now......comments and reviews are most welcome!